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Flubenvet 1% Medicated Premixture (60gm)
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Flubenvet Wormer for Poultry
Flubenvet Uses:
Domestic Poultry Wormer: Flubenvet Medicated Premixture is effective against gapeworm, large roundworm, caecal worm, hairworm, and gizzard worm in chickens, turkeys, and geese. Activity includes adult worms, larvae and eggs.
Dosage and administration:
FLUBENVET Medicated feed should be fed for 7 consecutive days.
Incorporate the required amount of the product into the daily feed ration.
The daily ration should be fed as a “complete ration” during the 7 days. At the inclusion rates in the table below, for chicken and geese the ration will contain 30 ppm flubendazole and for turkeys 20 ppm.
Flubenvet Dosage
Chicken and Geese
60 g of product (the whole tub) medicates 20 kg of feed
60 g of product (the whole tub) medicates 30 kg of feed
30 g of product medicates 10 kg of feed
18 g of product medicates 9 kg of feed
6 g of product medicates 2 kg of feed
6 g of product medicates 3 kg of feed
A level measure of the scoop included = 6 g of wormer. Use the scoop to measure the correct amount of product to mix into the feed as per the table above. The dosage of Flubenvet is dependent on the amount of feed that each bird consumes over the 7-day treatment period. Larger birds eat more feed and receive more medication according to their weight.
Mixing advice
The volume of Flubenvet to be mixed into the feed is small. Mix very well for even distribution.
Initially, mix the required volume of product into a cup of feed. Mix very well. Add this to a bowl of feed and mix very well. Repeat twice more, every time into a larger volume of food. Mix well
Treatment frequency of Flubenvet
Birds on the ground with known worm infestations are susceptible to re-infestation. In such cases, re-treatment with another 7-day course, after 3 weeks is recommended.
Contra-indications, warnings, etc
Withdrawal periods
Birds must not be slaughtered for human consumption during treatment.
Treated birds may be slaughtered for human consumption only after 7 days from the last treatment; the meat withdrawal time is 7 days.
There is no withholding period for domestic poultry producing eggs for human consumption when the product is used at the recommended inclusion rate; the egg withdrawal time is zero days.
Operator warnings
The product is a powder and mixing may generate dust. Prepare the product in a well ventilated place. Do not breath dust. If accidental inhalation of dust occurs, move to an outdoor area with fresh air. To avoid accidental inhalation wear a disposable dust mask (that conforms to European Standard EN149). Accidental ingestion by humans should be avoided. Avoid direct skin contact. Wear impervious gloves when mixing and handling the product. Wash affected parts if skin contact occurs. If accidental eye contact occurs, immediately rinse thoroughly with water.
Dispose of empty containers in the domestic refuse. Used containers should not be recycled.
Pharmaceutical precautions
For Animal Treatment Only. To be supplied only on veterinary prescription – from your veterinarian or a suitably qualified person. Keep out of the reach of children. Store in tightly closed, original container below 25 °C.
Packaging Quantities
60 g tub with 6 g scoop
Further information
Flubenvet has no adverse effect on egg laying or hatchability.
Medicated Premixtures
These products are manufactured from licensed Veterinary Medicinal Products and do not have a Legal Category. This product is manufactured from a POM-VPS product.
These products, as well as being available from vets and pharmacists, can be supplied by a suitably qualified person (SQP) from a pharmacy registered with the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPhC) and from premises approved by the Veterinary Medicines Directorate (VMD). Our SQP Mrs Diane Harris, number QE7160, is available for advice regarding worming schedules and procedures if required.
Within the current legislation it is our duty to determine the purchaser is a legitimate buyer and owner of an animal requiring treatment. Upon completion of purchasing these goods you will be asked some questions regarding the animal for compliance with the Veterinary Medicines Regulations, please be aware that we may contact you to confirm any details if necessary.
This product can only be sold to and purchased by customers keeping poultry on domestic premises (backyard poultry keepers), for feeding on those premises - non-food producing birds or birds kept purely for private domestic consumption and that they do not sell meat or eggs from their birds.
Safety precautions may be necessary during administration, please consult the packaging and/or product literature.
POM-VPSThis is for food producing animals.
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