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Easing Dog Separation Anxiety When You Go on Holiday

A parade of behavioural problems may march across the life of your puppy. Separation Anxiety (SA) is one of them. Knowing and identifying Separation Anxiety will equip you with the knowledge to take the necessary precautions to ward off the ailment, as well as deal with it as soon as any symptoms appear. Keep reading to find out how to help dog separation anxiety.
What is dog separation anxiety?
Separation anxiety is when your dog experiences significant stress from the moment you leave them alone until you get back; this could be your puppy or an adult dog. They will act as though being alone in the house is terrifying. However, the symptoms can vary.
How can I tell if my dog is anxious about being alone?
There is no single distinguishing SA indication in dogs because stress can manifest in many different ways. Nevertheless, there are many symptoms they can exhibit. Here are some of them:
- While you're gone or as you get ready to depart, pacing, whimpering, or trembling are signs of anxiety.
- Howling or barking too much.
- Destructive behaviours, especially near doors or windows, including chewing or digging.
- Accidents involving urinating or defecating inside the home.
- Excessive drooling, panting, or salivation.
- Protracted, desperate attempts to escape captivity that could result in catastrophic damage.

How to help dog separation anxiety
Coming home to such a mess is stressful, and seeing your pet in pain is never easy. Fortunately, there are a number of actions you may do to handle separation anxiety and when you approach the issue, take into account each one. You can consider the following forms of therapy:
Crate training to help dog separation anxiety
It’s worth mentioning that a crate is both your dog's friend and your ally. It's a crucial training aid and the answer to a lot of puppy problems. If utilised properly, it is neither cruel nor unhealthy. Instead, it can offer your dog a secure, peaceful space to unwind.

Counter-conditioning and desensitisation
Teaching your new puppy to feel at ease in the environment and to create good connections with new experiences is an essential component of growing a psychologically and physically sound puppy. That also applies to time spent away from you. Teach your puppy that being apart from you has advantages. Start by only leaving them for brief intervals, then gradually increase your absences.
Although SA cannot be cured, exercise can help treat and prevent it. Initially, ensure that your puppy gets a lot of age-appropriate physical activity. This is especially true for big, energetic dogs who have a lot of energy to expend. A dog that has enjoyed a play session and a brisk walk with you is more likely to settle down after you leave.

A clingy attitude: Playing it cool
Don't reward excessive clinging behaviour. Instead, train your puppy to be alone in another room even when you are at home to help them gain independence. One such strategy for combating excessive attachment is to remain firm and use the "stay" command. Start by leaving for brief periods of time; once your puppy can remain in the room for several minutes, you can start to leave.
Prescription drugs and herbal supplements to help with dog separation anxiety
Training and counterconditioning alone are not always sufficient. Some veterinarians suggest taking medication that is prescribed for panic and anxiety disorders. These need a prescription and are safe for the majority of pets, but you should consult your veterinarian and use special caution when giving medication to a young dog.
Here are some of our best products for dog separation anxiety that you can get online:
Johnson's Calm-Eze Tablets

Dorwest Scullcap & Valerian Tablets

How soon can a dog get over their separation anxiety?
Dogs frequently need several weeks or months to fully overcome separation anxiety. Although crate training is an option, some dogs who are apprehensive when left alone become much more so.
Shop online for more dog products today.
This blog post was written on behalf of Vet Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.