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What are the Best Cat Joint Supplements?

If you are a cat owner, you are probably aware that cats can be fascinating creatures at times. They fall with grace, they leap impressively, and they are flexible enough to fit into spaces you couldn’t imagine. However, all these begin to decrease as they get older. Other factors that can probably interfere with your cat's mobility are injuries, obesity, or any other health condition that impacts their quality of life. Continue reading and find out more about cat joint care, joint relief, and joint supplements for cats.
The best way to avoid future mobility problems for your cat is to focus on their joint health from their kitten days.
What’s the importance of cat joint care, joint relief, and joint supplements for cats?
Cat joint care is essential because it affects the cat’s mobility, impacting their general health. Due to injuries or arthritis, joint inflammation can be very painful, making it even harder for the cat to move around. Lack of movement can quickly lead to obesity.
To make it even worse, obesity will also add more strain to the already inflamed joint, leading to more discomfort and pain. It’s just a vicious cycle where joint pain can cause obesity, and vice versa, leading to even worse joint pain in the long run.
Basically, cat joint care is crucial for the cat’s general wellbeing, considering that lack of mobility can also interfere with the cat’s mental health. All cats enjoy playing, running, jumping or hiding once in a while.

Signs of cat joint health problems
Many cats are naturally elusive, which can make it even harder to tell whether your cat has joint problems or mobility concerns. However, you should be able to tell if you take a closer look for any signs and symptoms. Some of these signs and symptoms include:
- Reduced mobility
- Reluctance or difficulty in jumping onto higher areas
- Licking of the joints
- Loss of muscle
- Isolation
- Favouring of certain limbs
- Weight gain
Cat joint care, joint relief, and joint supplements for cats
Even before you consider contacting your vet concerning your cat’s joint problems, there are lots of effective natural home remedies that you can try.

How to improve joint health in cats
You should focus on keeping your cat active and at the optimal weight from kittenhood if you intend to maintain their joint health. Make an effort to give your cat high-quality, all-natural, and organic feeds that will improve their general health. You can even check for foods with anti-inflammatory characteristics.
Avoid feeding your cat with human food constantly, especially processed foods which can be harmful to their health, even though they may look at you with tempting eyes.
If you notice your cat gaining weight abnormally, ensure to check their diet, as well as their playing routine. You might need to reduce their food intake. You can also encourage active playing by providing them with toys that keep them moving around.
When should you visit your vet for cat joint care, joint relief, and cat joint supplements?
If your efforts to manage your cat’s weight are fruitless, or they are becoming more and more inactive, it’s about time you consult with your vet. Get in touch with us today for more information and cat treatment.
Below are some of the best supplements to help your cat grow and stay healthy:
Synoquin Capsules for Cats

Shop Synoquin Capsules for Cats
Antinol for Cats

Check out our other cat joint care products!
This blog post was written on behalf of Vet Pharmacy by Pharmacy Mentor.